When you rent a place to live, you can certainly expect your rent to increase each year – or even more often. If you get a fixed rate mortgage when you buy a home, you have the same monthly payment amount for thirty years. Even if you get an adjustable rate mortgage, your payment will stay within a certain range for the entire life of the mortgage – and interest rates aren’t as volatile now as they were in the late seventies and early eighties.
Imagine how much rent might be ten, fifteen, or even thirty years from now? Which makes more sense?
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“It’s a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best…you very often get it” Somerset Maugham
"Expect the Best" Pat Ogle
Pat Ogle, Associate Broker, CRS, DSAC, e-Pro, GRI, MCJ, REALTOR®
Certified Residential Specialist / Certified Internet Marketing Specialist
Over $73,000,000 in Settled Sales
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Champion Realty, Inc. 711 Bestgate Road, Annapolis, MD 21401
410.224.0660 (O) 443.569.2736 (C) 410-224-0632 (F)
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